Kosovo Police Budget - The debates in the municipalities


As a result of the analysis "The budget of Kosovo Police needs for additional funds and better financial planning" published by FIQ and GAP (29 March 2012), partner organizations in municipalities throughout Kosovo, organized debates on the same topic.

Attendance by institutions was satisfactory and the discussions focused mainly on obstacles that led to small and unplanned budgets. The analysis paper was received very well in general, as officials from the Kosovo Police and other institutions said that the analysis paper is realistic and that the findings were appropriate.  

The debates were characterized in different ways; however, most municipalities shared the same concerns on a number of issues:  


 Police patrol vehicles are one of the main problems, because they are damaged and constantly on the road / 24 hours.

Police officers need professional trainings and professional equipment, as there is a lack of logistical resources in police stations.

According to the law on the police force, overtime work shall be compensated in other free days and monetary compensation. However, due to lack of funds, police officers that worked overtime are only compensated in fee days.

 Police uniforms should be changed in order to represent the institution in the most dignifying way.

In some municipalities, police officers work in very difficult conditions and the police facilities do not meet the standard requirements. 

Police officers should be eligible for early retirement, considering the job requirements of this institution.

Health and life insurance plans need to be developed and made available for police officers, since in case of illness or loss of life in the line of duty, their families remain in the mercy of time.

All municipalities emphasized the need for police helicopters and water cannons.

Accompanying and providing security detail for various delegations was highlighted as another problem. Police institutions pay the cost whilst in the other hand; they do not have a separate budget line for such activities.
Also, monitoring the teams of Kosovo Energy Corporation, Water Distribution and other public companies, was time-consuming and generated unplanned financial costs.

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