Week of Philanthropy - For cros sectoral philanthropy


Forum for Civi Initiatives (FIQ) is a community foundation that operates in Kosova since 2000 and works to ensure civic and municipality engagement in decision making which has a long term influence in their lives.
Since 2008, FIQ works to promote philanthropy as a helping mechanism to encourage sustainable development and overcome charity mindset in Kosova and Western Balkans by cultivating a culture of strategic investment for the public good.
Being the main program in FIQ, the Philanthropy program aims to implement the partnership triangle between the most important sectors in the society, specifically the public, private and civil sector, in order to involve the whole kosovan society in sustainable development of Kosovo, in spite of the actual non-sustainable model with polarization and fragmentation of our society. 
Within this program, FIQ is organizing the ?Week of Philanthropy? which will remain as a tradition for everyone. The week of philanthropy will include the following activities below, which are going to differ on upcoming years:

Coctail with journalists                                                                                   November-27-2014

The afternoon cocktail with journalists from different Kosovan mediums is organized to initiate a discussion regarding philanthropy, escorted with two other activities. During the cocktail, journalists while have the opportunity to watch a short documentary about the perception of Kosovan citizens on philanthropy, a documentary made by FIQ and directed by  Blerta Zeqiri (Doku Fest).
After the documentary, they will have the pleasure to see and vote an exhibition of 10 students (painting, graphic design, photography), who reflected the meaning and importance of philanthropy through art. The winning artist will receive an award, and a partnership opprtunity with FIQ on projects that include philanthropy and arts.

Conference                                                                                                     December ? 1st ? 2014

?Youth unemployment and philanthropic initiatives to establish opportunities for them?
In political, economical, and social crisis, solutions should be innovative, inclusive; and youngsters should be part of the solutions and not just a ?targeted group?.
The purpose of this conference is to encourage a debate about the importance of commitment from everyone to address the Kosovan youth unemployment issue.

The conference will include two sessions:
1st Session:  ?Youth unemployment a pressing issue ? Are we offering future for young adults in Kosovo??
2nd Session: ?Arts, Education, Culture ? as contributors of great transformations?


Workshop with children of different social categories                                    December-2nd-2014

Children?s activity will be held on December 2nd and it aims to promote philanthropy (in the concept of solidarity, communication, and group work for a common cause) among children. Five institutions of different social categories like: Kosova?s Down Syndrome Association, SOS Children?s Villages, Ardhmeria Kindergarten, The Ideas Partnership, and Autism Association are invited to cooperate in implementing this activity which is conceived in two workshops:
1st Workshop: Drawing postcards for the end of the year holidays, which will be sent to different businesses in Kosova, where chiildren can express their gift wishes.
2nd Workshop: Dancing workshop in cooperation with ?Dancing Ballroom? School.


Symposium for business ideas                                                                               3rd-December-2014

Three ideas of the social business type identified from FIQ staff through field work will be presented in front of 50 businesses as a request for possible support and partnership. Rotarians, individuals, businesses, private companies, interested  for partnership and contribution on specific business ideas will be invited at the symposium. Presenters will have 10-15 minutes for presentation and discussion.
All projects presented in the symposium will be published in a small book which will be spread during the symposium and FIDES awards ceremony.


FIDES awards ceremony for Philanthropy 2014                                             4th-December-2014

FIDES is a traditional event that promotes philanthropy, acknowledges and decorates the contribution of kosovan philanthropist for the actual year, and opens doors for more philanthropic opportunities.
FIDES awards ceremony will be held on December 4th and will have 5 awards for the categories below:
?    FIDES Award 2014 for National Contribution ? the award of this category will be given to a national company, which through philanthropic activities/projects has contributed on a national level during the year of 2014.
?   FIDES Award 2014 for contribution on sustainable development by a CSO? the award of this category will be given to a civic society organization which has contributed regarding sustainable development on a national level during 2014.
?    FIDES Award 2014 for Individual contribution ? the award of this category will be given to an individual who has  influenced the community life in a local or national level throughout philanthropic activities, during 2014.
?    FIDES Award 2014 for Diaspora ? the award of this category will be given to a philanthropist, company or association from kosovar diaspora, which have been involved in philanthropic activities in Kosova during 2014.
?    FIDES Award 2014 for Municipalities ? the award of this category will be given to a municipality that has supported and promoted cros sector philanthropic partnership.

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