Example of Active Citizenship


The inhabitants of the village of Smira have launched two new initiatives, namely the “End-Year Meeting” for discussing plans for 2013, and another meeting to talk about ways of a ‘colorful’ celebration of the Seasons holidays, meaning that the inhabitants of Smira will, in an organized manner, celebrate without weapons. It would be good for such an example of active citizenship and responsible citizens to reflect on other communities as well. FIQ has so far supported various initiatives of the inhabitants of Smira and shall continue promoting and supporting other initiatives aiming at civic activism in various forms and amongst different communities of Kosovo.

For more information please visit: http://www.fshatismire.com/index.php/fillimi/21-lajme-nga-fshati/2990-smirasit-nuk-pushojne-nisin-dy-iniciativa-te-reja-vullnetare.html

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