Platforma Akademia won at the Regional Competition “Green & Innovative Ideas”


Besart Kunushevci was one of the winners at the competition “Green and Innovative Ideas” in Kolasin, Montenegro from 26-29 of July, organized by Balkan Green Foundation with the support of Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.

The Platform Akademia conceptualized and developed by Besart Kunushevci foresees the development of a Tech Start-Up for Kosovo and all the Albanian speaking countries, aiming to prevent plagiarism in the academic system of Kosovo by supporting scientific research and minimizing waste from the use of paper.

This will be the first application in Balkans that will serve as a tool to identify plagiarism.

The platform Akademia was chosen from 18 regional ideas as one of the best project-proposals that will bring conceptual changes in the academic system of Kosovo.

The platform will be financially supported with $ 10.000 from Rockefeller Brothers Fund and 2,500 euro from FCI.

Platform Akademia was chosen as one of the three best ideas in the national competition organized by FCI “Business Ideas: Green and Innovative 2017”

Two other competing ideas were “DYVO” developed by Nikki Murseli, and “Our Roots” ideated by Fisnik Kuqi.

DYVO” is a social enterprise which aims to design accessories by reusing Plexiglas leftover materials, and “Our Roots” is a social enterprise, aiming to cultivate Oyster mushrooms by recycling coffee.


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