"Life in Kosovo" discusses the draft law on sponsorship


This Thursday, "Life in Kosovo" discusses the draft law on sponsorship and the donations in the field of culture, youth, and sports.


Why isn?t the draft law being approved by the Kosovo Assembly? Who does not agree about this draft law and why?

What do the sponsor of the draft law and the interested parties say?

Should the fiscal policies be changed in order to approve this law? Is the state asking for greater control over donations and sponsorships?

Should this law be expanded in other fields?

To discus about these topics, Muhamet Hajrullahu has invited:

Jehona Shyti - political advisor to the Minister of Culture

Gezim Baxhaku - political adviser to the Minister of Finance

Erolld Belegu - former chairman of the board of American Chamber of Kosovo

Dajana Berisha - executive director of Forum for Civic Initiatives

BIRN also airs a documentary created by the Forum for Civic Initiatives about the importance of philanthropy.


"Life in Kosovo" airs on Thursday at 8:20 p.m. on RTK and is repeated on Friday at noon.

Vidio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOG4qaSCCzc

Published on Jan 21, 2014 - http://www.jetanekosove.com/en/News1/-147life-in-Kosovo-148-Discusses-the-Draft-law-on-Sponsorship-1336

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